Wild Pig

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Wild Pigs are the descendants of pre-war feral pigs and domestic pigs that escaped from farms and piggeries in the chaos of the War and Winter. They can be found throughout the Southwest but prefer the forests of the western States and the Warlord Realms.

Wild pigs are fairly small compared to their domesticated kin, but are very fast, very powerful and insanely vicious. They live in family groups of between five and twenty, with one dominant male boar.

The boars are armed with sharp tusks, and attack by charging suddenly out of the undergrowth. They are easily capable of knocking a fully grown man to the ground, often breaking one or both legs in the process. They are also fiendishly crafty, often circling around hunters and attacking from the rear.

Some people hunt wild pigs, but this is considered foolish as their flesh is so parasite ridden as to be virtually inedible. They are occasionally captured and used as breeding stock to enhance domestic pig breeds.

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